Sunday, September 7, 2008

What is the Heat Pump Efficiency of Your Heat Pump?

Are you looking into purchasing a heat pump to either heat or cool your home? If so, what is the main function this unit will be used for? Heat pump efficiency ratings are different for each season. The ratings do not always correlate, so if your pump has a high SEER rating, it does not mean that it will have a high HSPF rating.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize your exact needs for this device. If you live in a warm region that will require more use of the cooling unit then the heat pump efficiency should be higher for the SEER rating. If you live in a cooler region, that will require more heating then look for a unit with a higher HSPF rating.

Every heating and cooling unit must have an energy efficiency rating. It lets people know how that particular model compares to other models and compares the different low and high efficiency ratings.

Now you are probably wondering what these two ratings actual mean. The SEER rating is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating and the HSPF rating is the Heating Seasonal Performance Rating. Each unit is thoroughly tested to determine the exact rating.

Heat pumps are used for both heating and cooling. These devices move heat between the outside and the inside of the home. They do not actually create any hot or cold air.

We can explain this better by stating that during the winter a heat pump will move heat from outdoors into the house. In the summer, they move heat from indoors to the outside. Usually these devices run on electricity, but some run off gas instead.

Heat pump efficiency also factors into the energy savings these units can provide. In some cases, you can save up to fifty percent on your heating costs.

If your heat pump efficiency is high then you could save even more money on your energy costs. A high efficiency heat pump will require less electricity to heat or cool your home, thus they are much more efficient.

However, these units are quite costly. Thus, you have to be sure that this is what you want as far as heating and cooling your home is concerned. Read as many consumer reviews as possible to get a good idea of what units are available on the market and which ones people are satisfied with and which ones are not receiving good reviews.

We provide information for the consumer on heat pump efficiency along with information on different brands including Trane heat pumps as well as many other types of heat pumps.
By M. Applebaum


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